Sunday, October 9, 2016

Critical Warning to the Body of Christ

Please take this seriously and share with anyone who will listen.  
Watch entire video whether you agree or not, the information is terribly important.

Sunday, July 31, 2016

Be Ready The LORD is on His way now!

The Prophetic time is here.

  As in the days of Noah, are you preparing the "ark" or just living life?

Are you a wise servant or a foolish virgin?

If you are not Born Again you will not be saved.

The Tribulation, The Time of Jacobs Trouble is almost here will you escape? 

Would you like to know for sure?

Please visit:  there are many resources to know the prophecy of Jesus Christ , the story of Shilo, who will escape the Tribulation, and much more. 

Please share this, we have so little time left.


Repent, and Believe in the saving work of Jesus Christ.  Be a good and faithful servant.

Sunday, June 12, 2016

The Rapture not Alien Abduction or

project Blue Beam deception to cover up the truth that Jesus Christ will remove children and His true followers from the Earth before Judgment will fall upon the wicked, those who chose their own way, and did not follow the narrow path that is given in the bible. 

To realize that we have transgressed against a holy, righteous, mighty and just God creator of everything, with our thoughts, actions, and words, continually throughout our entire lives.  When we offend a friend there is a certain consequence, if we hurt a police officer intentionally we will get jail time, a congressman or president, even more jail time and fines, now when we offend a holy God we are in big trouble and are unable to make satisfaction in anyway.  How many lies have you told? hundreds?  How many times did you look at violent movies, with nudity, profanity, blasphemy= taking God's name in vain, saying OH MY G--, or G-- Da--?, this separates us from God, we are unable of our own to make things right.  Being a loving God He made a way, sin is serious and awful in God's eyes, He cannot just say its ok and ignore it, there has to be payment in full.  He gave us His most precious and beloved, the Glory of Heaven,  His only Son, what was most precious to the Father, and had his Son be obedient in all things who lived perfectly in every way, and to make payment for our sins with His blood.  The Father crushed Jesus to make payment on the cross for sin.  This show the beyond incredible love and mercy for us, but also it shows the absolute weight and horror of sin and what it does to us and those around us. Sin is death. Sin brings death.  Jesus overcame death and rose on the third day and was witnessed by hundreds of followers.  This is the difference between the true religion and the fakes, Our Savior conquered death and we have that life eternally because of Him.  What a wonderful and Blessed Hope.  Life after death.  And life now more abundantly because we can walk with Jesus in this life.  He is with us always.  Jesus also promised to come for us one day, the book of  Revelation, Daniel, Jeremiah, Isaiah, etc. talk about the future events before His arrival, they are happening now at an alarming rate.  Israel is God's time piece and there isn't much time left. 

This is a warning for those before and after the Rapture:  there is going to be a cover up, Satan does not want anyone to read or trust the bible (KJV).  The attacks on the bible have been fierce and relentless.  The bible is the key to salvation and what our responsibility is before God, study the word every day.  He deserves our love and obedience.  There will be many who will come to Christ during the Time of Jacobs trouble (great tribulation) and lay down their lives by being beheaded. 

Prepare for His soon return.  Repent of sin, and ask Jesus to help you with anything that is getting in the way.  Forgive,  unforgiveness is not of God.  Watch and be ready.  There are many signs now in the heavens, earth quakes, storms, unusual weather, mass animal die-offs.  Let go of the things of this world and not covet anything.  Jesus is our treasure.  Pray to be accounted worthy to escape the time of testing that will come upon the entire earth.  Pray without ceasing.  Share your faith with anyone who will listen, hand out gospel tracts, offer to pray for people who are having trouble, pray for the lost especially that they will turn to God and be saved. 

Write or print out materials that family will find when we are gone, letters to let them know what really happened and what they have to do and what to expect during this time.  Jesus will be the only way, do not take the mark of the beast, pray for the grace to be able to suffer and lay down your life to be able to go to heaven and be with Jesus, call upon Him and He will hear you and help you.  What a loving Savior we have.  The Time of Jacobs trouble will only be bearable with Jesus as Savior and guide.  Read the book of Revelation there is a promised blessing to all those who read it. has great resources and video to help prepare for this time. I myself feel the need for myself to really prepare for the Lord to be a faithful servant when He appears, that He will find faith when He returns for His bride.  Help us precious Savior to be ready, that You would receive the reward of Your suffering!

The Catching Away of The Bride of Christ is soon to happen. 

Luke 21:31-36 King James Version (KJV)

31 So likewise ye, when ye see these things come to pass, know ye that the kingdom of God is nigh at hand.
32 Verily I say unto you, This generation shall not pass away, till all be fulfilled.
33 Heaven and earth shall pass away: but my words shall not pass away.
34 And take heed to yourselves, lest at any time your hearts be overcharged with surfeiting, and drunkenness, and cares of this life, and so that day come upon you unawares.
35 For as a snare shall it come on all them that dwell on the face of the whole earth.
36 Watch ye therefore, and pray always, that ye may be accounted worthy to escape all these things that shall come to pass, and to stand before the Son of man.

 Look up. Watch and be sober. Pray Always. Be vigilant, be ready for our Savior draws nigh.


Sunday, May 22, 2016

Why is the Book of Mormon So Powerful?

The true source of power behind the Book of Mormon. 

It takes just a little bit of poison to turn pure water into a deadly drink.

Uh oh, this is anti-Mormon literature.  Have you heard that phrase before?  You are not supposed to read it because its just lies from people who get paid by satan.  This is a tactic to keep you from the truth. Yes there are wicked people who hate, but there are those out here who God has revealed the truth of the deception and have broken hearts over our loved ones who are still in bondage to a lie, trying to earn a celestial glory that doesn't exsist like it is portrayed. There are records of Latter Day Saints in good standing that have spoken the truth and their findings are kept hidden even lied about.  There is a biography of Joseph Smith that reveals many polygamous relationships even with a 14 year old girl which he was the caretaker and guardian for, and sent Emma out of town to marry her in secret and then, well what married couples do.  Read it for yourself I will give you the sources: 

Number of Wives
    In 1887, LDS Assistant Church Historian Andrew Jenson made a list of 27 women who were sealed to Joseph Smith before his death. (Historical Record, Vol. 6, 1887, p. 233-4) More recent research, however, has led to a longer list. Todd Compton stated:
    I have identified thirty-three well-documented wives of Joseph Smith, which some may regard as an overly conservative numbering... Historians Fawn Brodie, D. Michael Quinn, and George D. Smith list forty-eight, forty-six, and forty-three, respectfully. Yet in problematic areas it may be advisable to err on the side of caution. (In Sacred Loneliness: The Plural Wives of Joseph Smith, p.1)
    Compton also noted that Joseph Smith wanted to marry even more women. He noted that Joseph Smith "proposed to at least five more women who turned him down." On the dust jacket of his book, we read:
    Mormons today have little idea about their founder's family life.… Fewer know of his contempt for traditional marriage and Victorian morality.
    To understand these issues, Todd Compton has painstakingly researched and recovered the life stories of the women aged fourteen to fifty-four —whom the prophet loved and married and whose salvation he guaranteed. In their own accounts, the wives tell how difficult it was to accept this secret—shared marriage—and to forfeit their dreams of meeting and falling in love with a man of their choice. What they received were tainted reputations among the uninitiated and, ultimately, their husband's violent death.
    These were colorful, tragic figures. After the martyrdom, one of the widows became a nun; another joined the prophet's first wife in the Midwestern anti-polygamy reorganization; and some abandoned Utah for California. Most were claimed by the twelve apostles, who fathered their children but proved unreliable as husbands, resulting in more than one divorce.
    The widows experienced sadness as they contemplated what they had become. One reticently revealed on her deathbed that her child, Josephine, was the prophet's daughter—a whispered confidentiality that only underscored the secrecy that still surrounds these women's identities a half-century later.
    Thirty-three extraordinary lives began with promise and devotion and ended almost uniformly in loneliness. The great consolation these women held was that their sacrifices had been for God. Whatever reward they received, it was not of this world.

Teen Brides and Married Women
    Joseph Smith's wives ranged in age from fourteen to fifty-six. Todd Compton recounts: "Having married Joseph Smith at the age of fourteen, Helen Mar [Kimball] is the youngest of Smith's known wives." (In Sacred Loneliness, p.487)
    Helen had not been Smith's first pick from the Kimball family. He had earlier asked Apostle Heber C. Kimball for his wife, Vilate. When Heber was unwilling to give up his wife, Joseph turned to his daughter, Helen.
    The fact that Joseph Smith asked for other men's wives was acknowledged in an 1854 sermon by Jedediah M. Grant, second counselor to Brigham Young. In this sermon he stated:
When the family organization was revealed from heaven-the patriarchal order of God, and Joseph began, on the right and on the left, to add to his family, what a quaking there was in Israel. Says one brother to another, "Joseph says all covenants are done away, and none are binding but the new covenants; now suppose Joseph should come and say he wanted your wife, what would you say to that?" "I would tell him to go to hell." This was the spirit of many in the early days of this Church....
    What would a man of God say, who felt aright, when Joseph asked him for his money? He would say, "Yes, and I wish I had more to help to build up the kingdom of God." Or if he came and said, "I want your wife?" "O Yes," he would say, "here she is, there are plenty more."… Did the Prophet Joseph want every man's wife he asked for? He did not… If such a man of God should come to me and say, "I want your gold and silver, or your wives," I should say, "Here they are, I wish I had more to give you, take all I have got." (Journal of Discourses, vol. 2, Feb. 19, 1854, pp.13-14)

    Todd Compton frankly discussed the issue of Joseph Smith's practice of polyandry, marrying women who already had husbands:
    Polyandry is one of the major problems found in Smith's polygamy and many questions surround it. Why did he at first primarily prefer polyandrous marriages? In the past, polyandry has often been ignored or glossed over, but if these women merit serious attention, the topic cannot be overlooked… A common misconception concerning Joseph Smith's polyandry is that he participated in only one or two such unusual unions. In fact, fully one-third of his plural wives, eleven of them were married civilly to other men when he married them. If one superimposes a chronological perspective, one sees that of Smith's first twelve wives, nine were polyandrous. So in this early period polyandry was the norm, not the anomaly… Polyandry might be easier to understand if one viewed these marriages to Smith as a sort of de facto divorce with the first husband. However, none of these women divorced their 'first husbands' while Smith was alive and all of them continued to live with their civil spouses while married to Smith… In the eleven certain polyandrous marriages, only three of the husbands were non-Mormon (Lightner, Sayers, and Cleveland) and only one was disaffected (Buell). All other husbands were in good standing in the church at the time Joseph married their wives. Many were prominent church leaders and close friends of Smith.…
    These data suggested that Joseph may have married these women, often, not because they were married to non-members but because they were married to faithful Latter-day Saints who were his devoted friends. This again suggests that the men knew about the marriages and permitted them." (In Sacred Loneliness, pp.15-16)

    One of Smith's polyandrous marriages was to Zina Diantha Huntington Jacobs. Smith had taught eighteen-year-old Zina about plural marriage and proposed to her but she put him off. She was being courted by a "handsome, eligible twenty-three-year-old" named Henry Jacobs. "On 7 March 1841, twenty-year-old Zina married Henry Jacobs." Smith would not attend their marriage. He next approached Zina's brother, Dimick, to talk to her about becoming his plural wife. "In October 1841, Smith sent him [her brother Dimick] with an unwelcome message to force Zina to a decision. 'Joseph said, Tell Zina I have put it off and put it off until an angel with a drawn sword has stood before me and told me if I did not establish that principle [plurality of wives] and live it, I would lose my position and my life and the Church could progress no further.' " (Four Zinas: A Story of Mothers and Daughters on the Mormon Frontier, by Martha Bradley & Mary Woodward, pp.107-115) Under such religious pressure, Zina submitted to become Smith's secret plural wife. She also continued in her marriage to Henry, a devout Mormon. "Zina does not record if she and Joseph consummated their union, although Zina later signed an affidavit that she was Smith's wife in 'very deed.' " (Four Zinas, p. 115) Joseph Smith's death did not end Zina's struggles with polygamy and polyandry, "on 2 February 1846, Henry Jacobs witnessed the sealing of his twenty-five-year-old wife, Zina, for time to Brigham Young, who was twenty years her senior." (Four Zinas, p. 132)
    According to Illinois law, not only would Joseph Smith have been guilty of bigamy but so would his various wives who were already married.

Marriages Consummated
    Many members of the Mormon Church find it difficult to believe that Joseph Smith had multiple wives and even harder to believe that he had sex with anyone other than Emma. The evidence, however, is clear. Todd Compton wrote:
    Emily Partridge Young said she "roomed" with Joseph the night following her marriage to him, and said that she had "carnal intercourse" with him. (In Sacred Loneliness, p. 12)
    Other early witnesses also affirmed this. Benjamin Johnson wrote:
On the 15th of May…the Prophet again came and at my hosue [house] ocupied [sic] the Same Room & Bed with my sister that the month previous he had occupied with the Daughter of the Later [late?] Bishop Partridge as his wife." According to Joseph Bates Noble, Smith told him he had spent a night with Louisa Beaman... Many of Joseph's wives affirmed that they were married to him for eternity and time, with sexuality included. (In Sacred Loneliness, pp.13-14)

Please do research there are many resources on-line, ministries who wish to reveal the truth, most LDS who leave the church become atheists.  Satan's lie that you can become as gods.  There is only one God. Bible states:

Deuteronomy 6:4-9King James Version (KJV)
Hear, O Israel: The Lord our God is one Lord:
And thou shalt love the Lord thy God with all thine heart, and with all thy soul, and with all thy might.
And these words, which I command thee this day, shall be in thine heart:
And thou shalt teach them diligently unto thy children, and shalt talk of them when thou sittest in thine house, and when thou walkest by the way, and when thou liest down, and when thou risest up.
And thou shalt bind them for a sign upon thine hand, and they shall be as frontlets between thine eyes.
And thou shalt write them upon the posts of thy house, and on thy gates.

The book of Mormon has a familiar spirit which is a very convincing counterfeit of the true Holy Ghost. I think it is arrogant of people to think that they cannot be fooled by a spirit, I was completely fooled with powerful, overwhelming feelings and even false miracles. A demon can appear as an angel and make you feel peace and calmness, can bring monetary success, anything really, just not true salvation and repentance. Repentance is a gift, it is a change in thinking and behavior, are you still repenting over the same sins without victory?

 I was fooled because I didn’t know the bible well enough to know what is a counterfeit, which as you study the bible you will see there are major differences.  A counterfeit is supposed to look like the real thing.  Which the book of Mormon even has paragraph's copied word for word in King James english, that should cause you to scratch your heads.  Joseph new the bible very well.  He is  portrayed as a bumpkin that was naive and slow, but he knew the power of telling people he heard from God. Fact: There are 7 different first vision versions.  Which one were you taught? Bible says the Father is a spirit that no man has seen Him at any time. 

Did you know that Joseph Smith killed two men on the day he was killed, true, they control his image very carefully. 

 I challenge Latter Day Saints to read the book of Hebrews as a child in the KJV.  Be warned though the LDS church are masters of affirming the bible when it seemingly supports their doctrine, and then saying well that's why we need the book of Mormon because the bible isn't clear. Read it for yourself and pray.

 Also to look up the book “A view of the Hebrews” and who wrote it and what it is about. Jesus of the Bible warned us about being deceived. I was lied to about being born again, the missionary didn’t even know what to tell me about it, what it is or why. The bible states you cannot get to heaven unless you are born again.

 What day were you born again?  (You desire to be baptized after being born again to proclaim your faith in public and in obedience to Christ.)

 For me Jesus came to me one morning when I was getting ready for work, I knew I was not living like I should and was doing research on the bible which is a historical document, the book of Mormon is not recognized by the Smithsonian, anyways, I could not see Him but I knew He was there and forgave my sins and made me a new person, I was changed so completely, so beyond words, things that I struggled with for years were taken away, not that I was perfect but the Lord was starting His work in me.

 I was born again after leaving the LDS church. I follow Christ now and not a man made system. If you are not born again you will go to hell, don’t follow men but ask the true Christ of the bible.  Study the bible, it has everything you need in it,  there is no need for the book of Mormon, the bible's 66 books are sufficient.  Ask the Holy Spirit to guide you as you read the bible, repent and ask Jesus to be born again, there is no other way.
John 3 [Full Chapter]

There was a man of the Pharisees, named Nicodemus, a ruler of the Jews: The same came to Jesus by night, and said unto him, Rabbi, we know that thou art a teacher come from God: for no man can do these miracles that thou doest, except God be with him. Jesus answered and said unto him, Verily, verily, I say unto thee, Except a man be born again, he cannot see the kingdom of God. ...

Friday, February 26, 2016

My Dog Died, yet Lives?

I had an amazing incredible miracle happen to my beloved pet "Sweeters" she is a female black pug who is always with me when I am home, when I leave for work she sits at the door and whines for 20 to 30 mins.  When I come home she is over joyed with excitement.   A couple weeks ago she choked on her food and stopped breathing very suddenly my wife was holding her crying not knowing what to do she had done cpr to no avail.  I was absolutely in a panic, with my mind racing her tongue was hanging out of her mouth and her little body was limp. My wife was holding her on her lap and the dog expressed her bowels. I later found out that that is an indicator of death.  In my grief and panic a voice told me to pray, I had realized that I had forgotten to do the most important thing.  I stood up and lifted my hands in the air and prayed out loud ( my family was all there)  My dear Jesus, my God, You are the giver of life, Lord please help us now! At that very moment my wife later said she felt life flow into her and she started breathing and opened her eyes.  Sweeters was very calm for a couple hours and then was her very active self.  We all had the wind knocked out of us in amazement.  Sweeters is laying by me right now as I type this on my laptop.  All thanksgiving, praise, and glory to my most loving and kind Savior Jesus.  I could feel His presence and warmth.  I know the Lord doesn't always answer prayers in the way we desire, He knows what is best, but I am so amazed by this. He loves us so much, one day there will be no more death. Praise the Giver of Life. Amen.

Monday, February 8, 2016

The Beginning of the End

Bible prophecy is being fulfilled on a daily basis, here is a highly recommended video from an insider to get a great update to the time of the end. 

If you are not born again, today is the day of salvation, please repent of your sins and put your faith in Jesus Christ who died and paid for your sins and rose from the dead proving He is the savior of the world.  Please don't wait.

Wednesday, January 20, 2016

Jewish Boy Sees the End of the World... Its soon.

World War Three has started... Nathan a 15 year old secular Jewish boy fell ill and was dead for a time and during that time his spirit left his body and was shown the future of  Israel and the return of  Messiah.  This boy was able to explain detailed scriptures even though he never studied them before the experience of leaving his body.  A merciful God would warn us and give man many chances.  Will you listen to the warning given by God???

Please watch and share with others, millions will die, many will go to hell.

Repent and call on God for mercy.

Tuesday, January 19, 2016

Jesus Appears to Muslims by the thousands!

Jesus loves Muslims and wants to save them and to ask Him for themselves.

  Jesus paid for our sins, how can we be with God in the next life with sins and uncleanliness.  I asked Jesus if He was real and  Jesus answered my prayer in a huge way and He changed my life, it is so wonderful now.

Would you like to know the truth? 

Many miracles are taking place at this late hour.

 Jesus the Son of God is warning thousands with dreams and visions. I have had them myself and will share in a later post.

Repent of your sins, and ask Jesus to save you!

Nothing in life is more important.

May you know Jesus, He is coming soon.