Tuesday, August 22, 2017

After School Satan has Disturbing Ties

Why is Lucien Greaves so interested in children?  Lucien Greaves has a past and its not child friendly.

Exposing Doug Mesner/Lucien Greaves – co-founder of the Satanic Temple and Grey Faction presenter

This page was created to let people know the other side of Doug Mesner/Lucien Greaves’ work.

In the article: “Mental Health Licensing Board Ignores Complaint Against “Satanic Panic” Conspiracy Counselor” By Doug Mesner (alias of person using alias Lucien Greaves) Daily Kos,

Doug Mesner repeats the same misinformation about Neil Brick and S.M.A.R.T.  This has all been refuted in previous articles:
(see: https://www.change.org/p/protect-child-abuse-survivors-petition-to-stop-attacks-against-child-abuse-and-ritual-abuse-survivors-and-neil-brick
https://ritualabuse.us/ritualabuse/reply-to-the-satanic-temples-grey-faction-online-guest-post/ “Continued bullying, online harassment, name calling and personal attacks are occurring in the comment section under the Satanic Temple’s Grey Faction online guest post.”)

Interestingly in the comment section under Doug Mesner/Lucien Greaves’ article, there are several criticisms:

“If true, the entire diary is going after someone for their disabilities, and trying to get them barred from work because of their disabilities. Flagged.”

“Until you’ve sat with a client and easily (I never used hypnosis) persuaded or asked alter personalities to “come out” and saw the complete transformation of a person to another person in a split second… you can’t fully understand what DID is like.”

To Continue reading please visit:  HERE

Saturday, August 12, 2017

Blockchain is the BEAST SYSTEM! Say NO!

Brothers and Sisters,

please say no to Crypto Currency, have silver and gold to be able to trade and make purchases.  Say no to the Beast System. The US dollar will collapse at some point.

 There is only one way out.  It is the Savior Jesus Christ, seek Him while He can be found.



Look up!  

Wednesday, August 9, 2017

Video Evidence of Planets being hidden in our Solar System

Amazing video which shows compelling evidence of planetary objects being hidden by gov't lens array.

Please share this info, time is short.

Saturday, August 5, 2017

How Much Time Is Left?

The train is leaving the station.  God is merciful to give so much time for repentance.  The Time of Jacob's Trouble (Great Tribulation) will be the worst time in all of recorded human history.  This will be another time to repent but, it will cost you your life to follow Christ.  The age of Grace is coming to a close.  Jesus is the only way out of God's judgment.  It is time to get your relationship to Jesus in order.  Repent and prepare for Him.  Do you know Him.  Are you willing to change anything in your life, give up anything?  Is He first in your life?  Please don't wait,  Today is the day of  Salvation.  We are not guaranteed one more minute.  Repent and ask to be saved.