Saturday, December 29, 2018

Let Us Repent And Call On The LORD!

9-7-17   by Mark Taylor.         (Please copy and share, Ask and it shall be given.)

If you would please join me and take your positions in a place of humility and a contrite heart, laying face down, or in a kneeling position before the Lord. If you are not physically able to do this God will honor you right where you are with whatever you are able to do even if you are laying in a bed right now.

 Prayer of Repentance:

 Father in the name of Jesus we come before your throne as your Army, with humble and contrite hearts on this day of repentance. Father as we step onto the battlefield of righteousness, we walk in a spirit of unity, with one heart, one mind, and one accord, to disarm and take away any legal right the enemy may have over your people, and your country called the United States of America.

 Father we decree and declare we will take back what belongs to you, through this act of target focused repentance that we are engaged in. Father in the name of Jesus we repent for not having a humble heart, walking in pride, having haughty spirits, and attitudes, thinking because we are in leadership we don't have to repent. Father we repent for not walking in a spirit of repentance daily and for not discipling others to do the same, knowing that an effective warfare starts with target focused repentance.

 Father in the name of Jesus we repent for engaging in friendly fire, attacking others in the Body of Christ, shooting. our own wounded because we may.not agree with that person. We repent for our arrogance, murdering others with our words when your word says "thou shall not murder". Father in the name of Jesus we repent for having a religious, legalistic, and critical spirits, creating chaos, aiding the Kingdom of darkness, and committing spiritual treason by dividing the brethren.

 Father in the name of Jesus we repent for not operating in a spirit of unity; love, mercy, and grace, allowing our love to grow cold, and not showing the same love, mercy, and grace, that you have shown us. Father we ask that you would heal the divide in your people, give us the strength, the maturity, and the discernment to push away everything that is separating us from you, from one another, and from operating as the one true army you have chosen us to be.

 Father in the name of Jesus we repent for having an intellectual knowledge of you, but truly not knowing your ways. Father forgive us for the spiritual arrogance this has created, operating out of our intellect, versus out of your spirit, honoring you with our lips but our hearts are far from you. Father we repent for aiding the Kingdom of Darkness and committing spiritual treason by having an escapism mentality, taking ourselves out of the fight and for influencing and leading others astray down this same path. Father in the name of Jesus we repent for having a spirit of cowardice, always taking a defensive posture and not going on the offensive when you gave us all the power over all the enemy. Father we decree and declare this day, that as your Army, we will go on the offensive from this day forward, no longer in retreat, but taking the fight to the enemy.

 Father we repent for taking ground for your kingdom but not leaving anything in place to hold that ground, allowing the enemy to come back in 7 fold worse, only having to fight harder to reclaim the ground that we freely gave away. Father we decree and declare this day as your Army that we will take ground for the Kingdom of God and we will hold that ground at all costs. Father we repent for not discipling people, and the next generation, to hold that ground we have taken, and to continue the fight.

Father we ask in the name of Jesus that you would give us a spirit of courage and boldness with the intensity that has never been seen in the history of mankind, to take back and this earth for your kingdom. Lord Jesus you said we would not only do the things that you did, but even greater things we shall do. Father we decree and declare that the time is now for this to take place, we ask for greater power, and authority, to do the things you have called us to do in these end times.

Father in the name of Jesus as your people we repent for not being the spiritual and moral compass that you have called us to be, for this country, and the entire world. Father we repent for being more concerned about the 4 walls of our churches, versus the congregations, and the lost. Father we repent for being more concerned about being politically correct,versus being truth seekers and truth speakers. Father we repent for walking in the fear of man versus the fear of God. Father we repent for staying inside the 4 walls of a building, and not taking your gospel to the streets, and bringing in a harvest that is ready to be gathered. Father we repent for allowing defilement in our pulpits.

 Father we repent for allowing freemasonry, secrets, and homosexuality into our pulpits, and allowing its influence into your houses of prayer, and calling it church. Father we repent for allowing immorality into our pulpits and its influence into our congregations. Father we repent for the divorce and the abortion rate in your houses of prayer to be the same as the world. Father we repent for houses of prayer being in covenant with that entity called Baal, through that demonic contract called the 501c3. We repent for taking a bribe for a tax right off, and staying silent for 30 pieces of silver, opening the door for the demonic influence in our houses of prayer. Father we repent for being incorporated as your houses of prayer, allowing the state and the government to be the head of our ministries, versus you lord Jesus.

 Father we repent for separating ourselves from you and your body. Father we repent for not ruling and reigning because we freely gave up that right for those 30 pieces of silver. Father we repent for having a slavery mentality, forgive us for not governing when instead wanting to be governed over. Father we repent for staying silent while prayer was taken out of schools, and allowing the enemy to come into our educational system. Father we repent for staying silent while Roe vs Wade was passed.

Father we repent on behalf of the Body of Christ, the American people, the leadership and the land, for the atrocity called abortion. Father we repent for allowing these aborted babies to become the food source for Baal, and allowing Baal to become the strong man over America. Father we repent on behalf of the people, the leadership, and the land, for the child sacrifices, the pedophilia, and the child sex trafficking that is taking place in our country on our watch. Father we repent for taking that blood money from the 501c3 that even the Pharisees knew not to take. Father we repent for the murdering of your prophets and the saints, for being drunk on the blood of the prophets and the blood of the saints.

 Father we repent for sacrificing your people on the altar of mammon, because we are more interested in money, big fine homes, and cars, versus the sanctity of life, and speaking out on the issues that matter to you lord. Father I now ask that the spirit of the fear of the lord would come over your people now, and that it would bring your people to an everlasting fear and awe of you. Father we repent for cursing your America saying she should burn, when you wish that none would perish. Father we repent for not speaking life into your America to complete her destiny.

 Target focused prayer:  

Father as we move into target focused prayer; we ask that you would remember the good things that your America has done, from the spreading of your gospel throughout the earth, to the blood being spilled on foreign soil, liberating countries so your gospel could flow. Father America has never received her harvest, so we decree and declare that Americas harvest is here now. Father you said that Americas harvest would come back to her 7 fold what the enemy has stolen, so we decree and declare that Americas 7 fold return is here now. Father you said that America would be the hub from which the end time harvest would be launched, to free the spiritually oppressed peoples of the earth, we decree and declare that your will be done, to bring in over 1 billion souls into the kingdom of God. Father we pray for your leadership over this country, your Army, and the people of this country, that a fresh habitation of your Holy Spirit would fall, hover and brood over us.

 Father we decree and declare as your Army that as this Holy Spirit habitation takes place that you're America on all levels WILL BE turned back to you. Father we pray for and bless President Trump and his administration, we ask that you would give them the 7 fold spirit to operate in, the spirit of the lord, wisdom, revelation, council, might, knowledge, and the fear of the lord. Father we ask for your protection around president Trump and his family, we cover them with the blood of Jesus, we decree and declare Zachariah 2:5 around him and his family, a wall of fire with your glory in the center of it that no witchcraft, no voodoo, no hex, no vex, no word curse, no power, no principality, and no demon in hell can penetrate.

 Father your hand is upon this president and we decree and declare that he will not be impeached, assassinated, or harmed in any way and that no weapon formed against him or his family will prosper. Father in the name of Jesus we decree and declare that America will complete her destiny that you have given her. Father in the name of Jesus we ask that you would release your protecting angels to surround America, and that they would stand shoulder to shoulder so that no evil can penetrate. Father we ask that America from her enemies foreign and domestic.

Father in the name of Jesus we ask that you would expose any and all corruption in all levels of leadership in government, and in your house, and that those who are corrupt would be removed. Father we ask that your divine justice would be carried out against any and all corruption. Father you said judgment starts in the house of the lord, we ask that you would separate the wheat from the chaff, separate your true body from the counterfeit lord. Father we decree and declare that America will prosper like never before so that your end time harvest can begin. Father in the name of Jesus we ask that you would cleanse any and all defilement off of your people and this land. Father the innocent blood that is on the hands of your people, we ask that you would now cleanse us and your land, in the blood of Jesus; we ask that your blood would wash us, cleanse us, purify us, lord.

 Father we have soiled garments; we ask that you would bring us into that place of being the spotless bride you have called us to be. Father we ask that as we enter into this end time harvest that you would bring in the harvesters, Father we ask that you would give your true Army the warrior's mindset, never giving up, and taking the fight to the enemy. Father we ask that you would increase the Army of Gods wisdom, discernment, power and authority to a level that has never been seen in all of history, so that we can bring glory not to ourselves, but to you and you alone lord Jesus.

 Father we pray for and bless Israel, we ask that the relationship between Israel and America would be stronger than ever. Father we ask that you would protect Israel from all her enemies foreign and domestic, and that she would prosper like never before. Father we pray for the peace of Jerusalem, and we ask that a habitation of your Holy Spirit would come to Israel. Father we pray for and bless Prime Minister Netanyahu, we ask that you would protect him and his family lord. Father we ask that you would give him and his administration the 7 fold spirit to govern Israel. Father we ask that divine exposure and justice would come to those that would try to stop heavens agenda for America, President Trump, and Israel.

 Father we pray for the news media, that the corruption would be exposed and removed, and that the spirit of truth would begin to flow. Father we pray for the Supreme Court, that you would reform your court and your judicial system, and we decree and declare that this case called Roe vs Wade will be overturned. Father we thank you for stopping the enemy's timeline and placing us back onto yours. Father we know that the earth is moaning and groaning for the sons and daughters of God to come forth, so in the name of Jesus we command the Army of God to arise and take her place, for there is no more time to waist. Father you are our Supreme Commander and we are The Army of God, heavens invading expeditionary forces.

 We decree and we declare that we will overtake, and terminate, the demonic tyranny over the spiritually oppressed people of this Earth, and now is that time! We decree and declare that we will march together in unity, to victory and that the victory is ours! In Jesus name we pray amen!

Sunday, November 11, 2018

The Mighty And Wonderful Names And Titles of Jesus Christ

I felt inspired to honor my Savior by listing His titles to use during my prayer time, it helps me to remember some of the good things Jesus has done.  It is His goodness that leads to repentance.

It is important to know the truth about where we stand with God, that we deserve judgment and punishment for the wrongs we have done in life.  Using the 10 commandments as a guide:

Have I loved God above all things?  I spend how much time with God and how much with the computer?  Do I love my neighbor as myself?  Have I used the LORD's name as a cuss word?
How many times have I spoken badly about someone? How many lies have I told?  How many hurtful things have I said?  How many times was I ungrateful about my life and complained, excessively? How many times did I blame God for the poor choices I made or did foolish things expecting God to clean it up and make it go my way?  How many thoughts of lust, revenge, hatred, or imagined myself better than others?  How many times have I used God's resources unwisely? etc. etc. etc. Our sin makes us guilty of judgment, just one makes us guilty.

It is important to realize that we are not good in the eyes of God. Bible says none are righteous no not one.

Only Jesus was without sin and spotless.

It is more likely that we have sinned more than any other thing in life.

We are broken,  who can fix us, who can pay our debt that is so great. How can we be forgiven and be washed clean? How can we stand before God when we die?  Is hell real? 

The Good news (Gospel) is that Jesus has made a way! He died on the cross, paid for our sins and rose from the dead!  Salvation is a free gift.

Jesus offers to us this free gift.  He paid for it in His blood.  What wonderful love He has for us. Turn from sin and ask Jesus to save you. It doesn't matter what you have done, put your faith(trust) into the only one who can save you who overcame sin and death.  

Jesus will forgive your sins and wash you clean.  He traded places with us.

Jesus has so many titles because He has done so much for us and has fulfilled so many aspects of prophecy.

(Please pray:)
Thank You Jesus!  I ask you to forgive me of my sins and wash me.  I turn from sin Jesus and give my life to you.  Teach me how to live and be my LORD and Savior. I believe you died and rose from the grave, victorious! Amen.

Now you can honor Jesus by saying His names and titles:

Image result for Jesus the movie

The Last Adam
The Advocate
The Almighty
The Alpha and Omega
The Amen
The Apostle and High Priest of Our Profession
The Arm of The LORD
The Author and Finisher of Our Faith
The Author of Eternal Salvation
The Beloved Son
The Blessed and Only Potentate (Ruler, King)
The Branch of The LORD
The Bread of Life
The Captain of Our Salvation
The Chief Shepherd
The Christ of God
The Consolation of Israel
The Cornerstone
The Counselor
The Creator
The Dayspring
The Deliverer
The Desire of The Nations
The Door
The Elect of God
 The Everlasting Father
The Faithful Witness
The First and The Last
The First Begotten of The Dead
The Forerunner
The Glory of The LORD
Our God
God Blessed
The Good Shepherd
The Governor
The Great High Priest
The Head of The Church
The Heir of All Things
The Holy Child
The Holy One
The Holy One of God
The Holy One of Israel
The Horn of Salvation
The Great I AM
The Image of God
Emmanuel (God With Us)
The LORD Jehovah
Jesus of Nazareth
 The Judge of Israel
The Just One
The King
The King of The Ages
The King of The Jews
The King of Kings
The King of Saints
The Lawgiver
The Lamb
The Lamb of God
The Leader and Commander
The Life
The Light of The World
The Lion of The Tribe of Judah
The LORD of All
The LORD of Glory
The LORD of Our Righteousness
The Man of Sorrows
The Mediator Between God and Man
The Messenger of The Covenant
The Messiah
The Mighty God
The Mighty One
 The Morning Star
The Nazarene
The Only Begotten Son
Our Passover
The Prince of Life
The Prince of Kings
The Prince of Peace
The Prophet Mighty in Deed and Word Before God
The Redeemer
The Resurrection and Life
The Rock
The Root of David
The Rose of Sharon
The Savior
The Seed of Woman
The Shepherd and Bishop of Our Souls
The Shiloh
The Son of The Blessed
The Son of David
The Son of God
The Son of The Highest
The Son of Righteousness
The True Light
The True Vine
 The Truth
The Witness to The People
The Word
The Word of God 

All praise and glory to you Jesus, the King of Kings!Amen!

LizPostElectionVideo- Patriots Must See

Patriots we must pray for our great President every day, he needs us as much as we need him.  President Trump is taking down the worst pedophile, satanic, murderers this world has ever seen, this is why they hate President Trump so much.  There are 60,000 sealed indictments with names like Hillary, Barrack, Bill, etc. names on them.  Keep up the fight, share the truth, pray.  Trust God.

#AmericaFirst #MAGA2020 #Qanon #Redwave

Sunday, November 4, 2018

Ex Mormon Gives Most Incredible Testimony!

Micah's Moms Testimony:

  There are major fundamental flaws with the "Mormon Gospel".  There is also in my experience a false holy spirit which mimics the true Holy Spirit and gives a warm and fuzzy feeling at times.  As we know Satan can even appear as an angel of light, and we are to test the spirits to see if they are of God.  The Mormon Church also teaches you can become a God and get your own planet if you live righteously and that there are many Gods.

 There is real power behind this false church, but it is a deception of the truth.  Jesus is the way, the truth and the life.  Not a church founded by a man Joseph Smith who practiced folk magic, polygamy, and deceived many. I was deceived and became LDS because I didn't know the bible and how to use it to know what is true and what is a lie.2 Timothy 2:15 Study to shew thyself approved unto God, a workman that needeth not to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth.

There are millions who are trapped by this lie.  Please share this video and the truth of the Bible with the LDS people in love.  They are great people, I am so glad that a Spirit filled believer shared the Gospel with me.  

Thursday, November 1, 2018

Inside Judicial Watch: What the Mainstream Media WON'T Tell You About Th...

Seven little girls rescued from the Caravan destined for sex slavery.  Mainstream media is silent.

Members of the "Caravan" are from Cuba, Bangladesh, Congo, Sri Lanka, Angola, and other non-South American countries, which is strange. 98% are men from 15 to 45 years of age.

Get Started in Cryptos.

Saturday, October 27, 2018

Cesar Sayoc (Accessory A) Evidence of Photo Manipulation.

How to tell if a photo has been manipulated?  Copy the image address and paste it into the upload box at, then in the ELA setting it will show if the photo has been doctored. The white highlights in the second photo show tampering of the original image screen grabbed from mainstream news source from original article.  Many times these photos are pulled and taken down when someone like me finds errors that were made in the false narrative. You don't have to photo manipulate real stories. Cesar Sayoc was a registered Democrat, early on, then his social media was scrubbed and changed. It is sad that they are going this far to put down the President.  Deep State is loosing and are very desperate.

Original image from news source.
Image result for cesar sayoc van

Image with ELA white highlights = manipulation of photo in post production.

Image: Cesar Sayoc

With ELA showing manipulation in white.


With ELA highlights

This technique works with Jpeg images best.

Fake News. We are sick of it.

MAGABOMBER? -- Liz Crokin

Wednesday, October 17, 2018

Bury the workmen

#HampsteadJustice how can children from different continents describe the same bizarre ritual abuse and torture? They describe genital piercings, tattoos, sexual practices, blood sacrifice, rituals that are hidden  Collusion?  Or is this secret being aided by devious people who have positions of authority and access to a complicit media.  False memories?  How ridiculous.  These children are describing abuse that is not televised or known about by the public, but by a handful of researchers, we must change this!  Justice for Alisa and Gabriel, they need to be returned to their mother now!  Order of the Willies?  Disgusting, horrible, evil, children must be protected, they are looking for more victims.  They will be exposed and prosecuted.  #HampsteadJustice

Tuesday, July 3, 2018

No Arrests You Say? Trump's Clean-Up

Trump’s Presidential  Achievements:

Fact: The Mainstream Media Hates President Trump.

Fact: The Media hides and under reports  sex trafficking/ made fun of/ created fake news because of pizzagate/pedogate.

Fact: Trump is taking down Child/Sex Trafficking.

-Executive Order (Pizzagate Starts Here, Feb.9th,2017) : Enforcing Federal Law With Respect To Transnational Criminal Orginizations and Preventing International Trafficking   :

-Saudia Arabia Arrests of Princes etc. Child Trafficking + “Ten princes and dozens of former ministers have been arrested on corruption charges”.

-NXIVM – (Child Trafficking) ties to Clintons/Hollywood = Keith Raniere

-Allison Mack = giving up names/ witness

-Robert Dinero (Very critical of Pres. Trump has Ties to French Prostitution Ring with underage girls.)

-Jonny Depp = (critical of Trump- said someone should assasinate him, hmmm…) body guard saw beaten/raped/dead body of 14 year old girl after a night with Depp.  Michael Lacey,  Arrested for Child/human Trafficking = involved a network of thousands.
-ICE Agents Arrest 245 Alleged Pedophiles; 44 Children Rescued “Operation Sunflower”

-On Jan. 27,2017 authorities arrested 42 in a human trafficking operation in Tennessee.

-On Jan. 29,2017 authorities announced that 474 were arrested in a statewide California human trafficking operation and 28 sexually exploited children were rescued.

-178 people were arrested in Texas for sex trafficking in sting that operated in January until Super Bowl Sunday.

-On Feb. 14,2017 the Polk County sheriff announced that 42 were arrested in Florida in child pornography related cases.

-16 people were arrested in January in Michigan for sex trafficking during the Detroit Auto Show.

-108 were arrested from Jan. 18 to Feb. 5th,2017 in Illinois as part of a national sex trafficking sting operation.

- 752 Arrested across the US.(;-752-arrested-across-us/1746351/)

-In February, authorities arrested 11 in Virginia in a child sex sting.

-June 13th,2018 Trump’s DOJ Arrests 2,300 Online Pedophiles.

-(Early in 2017) 58-year-old American Steven Chase was sentenced to 30-years in federal prison. Chase was held responsible for the existence of Playpen, a child pornography network established in 2014, which had 150,000 active pedophiles on the site.

-(July 7th,2017)Massive Int’l Network of 87,000 Pedophiles Dismantled — American Mass Media Silent---

more to come...

Friday, March 2, 2018

Richie Allen Speaks Out on Censorship - We are Insignificant

Youtube, listen up.  Freedom of speech is the heart of civilization.  If you don't like someone's message, don't listen.  But, when you cover their mouth with your hand you are being violent, deplorable, and murderous.