Wednesday, October 25, 2017

How Widespread is Satanic Ritual Abuse?

There is a silent epidemic of darkness, most likely even in your hometown.  Public servants, doctors, neighbors who are involved in the ritual abuse and murder of children and adults.  It is time for the body of Christ to stand and to fight for the victims and future victims of Satanic Ritual Abuse.  There are generational families who target children, even their own sons and daughters, in horrific blood and sex rituals, which are held on specific days in remote locations.  I challenge every follower of Jesus Christ to pray daily against the powers of darkness in their town.  Most are unaware of the evil that is growing is secrecy. 

Detestable is a film about this reality.  It is now available for a short time for a free viewing.  It is 2 hrs. and 4 min. By Thomas Dunn.  Detestable on Vimeo.

Detestable Trailer